Laser classification according to UNE-EN 60825 standard. Safety of laser products. Part 1: Classification of equipment and requirements.
Lasers are classified according to the potential biological damage they can cause, especially eye damage, since the eye is more susceptible to be affected by an excess of laser radiation exposure.
The CLASS of a laser is a direct indicator of the degree of danger posed by the use of such a device.
The parameters that determine the risk are:
• Optical power of the laser
• Wavelength
• Duration of exposure
In addition to these general parameters, lasers are classified according to the accessible exposures limits(AEL), which is the maximum accessible level of laser radiation allowed within a particular laser class.
Safety thresholds for lasers are expressed in terms of maximum permissible exposure(MPE).
The higher the rating, the greater the potential risk from the laser or laser system.
The UNE EN 60825-1 / A2 standard establishes 7 classes, which are: Class 1; Class 1m; Class 2; Class 2m, Class 3r; Class 3b and Class 4.