ENAC Accredited Photometric Tests
LED luminaires: UNE-EN 13032-4.; CIE 34; CIE 52. Luminaires with sources other than LEDs: UNE-EN 13032-1; CIE 34
Luminous intensity distribution (tables including values at different C planes and gamma angles, with the uncertainty, polar and Cartesian graphical representations).
Luminous flux, zonal fluxes, fractions of the flux emitted towards the upper and lower hemisphere, ICD codes.
Efficiency, efficacy.
Isoilluminance curves
Beam opening, illuminance cone (minimum, average and maximum illuminance at different heights). .
Throw, spread and control values for road luminaires. Isocandela diagram and roadway / walkway utilization factor curves.
Power supply and electric parameters of the product (power, current, voltage, power factor).
ENAC Accredited Colorimetric Tests
LED luminaires: UNE-EN 13032-4.; CIE 250; CIE 15; CIE 13.3. Luminaires with sources other than LEDs: UNE-EN 13032-1; CIE 250; CIE 15; CIE 13.3.
Normalized spectral distribution.
Color coordinates (x, y).
Color coordinates (u', v').
Correlated color temperature and desviation from the black body (Duv).
Color rendering index ( Ra).
Angular variation and angular uniformity of color.
ENAC Accredited, Photobiological safety
Photobiological safety test on luminaires, lamps and other lighting devices, according to the UNE-EN 62471 standard and according to the technical report IEC TR 62778.
Product classification according to UNE-EN 62471 and according to the technical report IEC TR 62778 for Blue light hazard.
Determination of the risk group of a luminaire or other final product based on the results of the primary source.
Determination of the threshold illuminance, Ethr and threshold distance dthr, where a product changes from class RG2 to class RG1.
ENAC calibrations services
Calibration of luxmeters
Calibration of luminance meters.
Calibration of spectrometers and colorimeters
Calibration of radiometers: visible range and UV.
Optical design and light simulations
Optical Design
Photometric simulation of reflectors and lenses for lighting systems.
Colorimetric simulations
Special applications: luminaires for industrial and horticultural applications
Other services
Advice and projects
Lighting projects with Dialux software
Technical and regulatory advice
Customized training
R&D Projects